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Text File
394 lines
by Robert B. Cook
MASTERFILE is a database management program for the C-128. It's
memory-based and uses SEQuential files. It will allow you to create your
own database, choose the field titles, the number and length of the fields
and print the records in the form of lists or labels.
MASTERFILE can lend itself to many applications. It could, for
example, be used as an appointment calendar, memo pad, address/phone list,
disk label maker, etc. The easiest way to learn to use MASTERFILE is to
create your own data file using the following instructions. It's a good
idea to print out this text file by using the Print function of the LOADSTAR
128 menu.
Initialize New File
The first thing you must do is create or initialize your new file.
Choose Menu option 1, Initialize New File. Any choice other than Initialize
or Load File From Disk will display an error message to let you know that
there are no records or file in memory. Let's learn how to use MASTERFILE
II by creating a database called "friends". It will be an address/phone
list. Put the highlight bar on Initialize New File and press RETURN.
You'll be asked for the number of fields. Enter 7 for this sample.
Keep in mind that when you create your file, you're defining the structure
to which all of your records must conform, so you should carefully evaluate
your choice of fields. It is possible to change the structure of the file
by using Revise File Structure but if you have a large file, restructuring
it may cause problem. These will be explained later.
Enter the following information at the prompts:
1 Last Name 12
2 First Name 10
3 Street 20
4 City 16
5 State 2
6 ZIP 10
7 Phone 12
Note that the ZIP code field allows for nine digits plus a dash, and the
phone field allows for area codes.
After the last item is entered the approximate amount of record space
will be displayed. If this amount is acceptable then press Y to return to
the Main Menu.
Add Records
Then choose Add Records to File. Enter five or so records into your
file. You may enter an up arrow (^) whenever you want to repeat the data
from the previous record. If your friends are all from the same city, this
will save you plenty of typing.
MASTERFILE will accept most SHIFTed characters, graphics, colons,
semi-colons and commas. HOME will take you to the beginning of the line.
TAB or the CRSR keys will move the cursor along the line. INST and DEL work
as you would expect.
After entering your records, press the ESC key to return to the Main
Menu. As a matter of fact, almost ANYTIME you want to return to a previous
menu, press ESCape.
Manage Records
Next, choose Manage Records. A new menu will be displayed allowing you
to View, Search, Revise, Delete or Sort your records. Choose View
Individual records.
Record #1 will be displayed along with a sub-menu. As indicated by the
menu, you may step through the records in ascending or descending order
using the + and - keys. The other options are:
1. Goto - You'll be prompted to enter the record number.
2. Print - Prints the record currently displayed. Be sure to have your
printer hooked up and switched on.
3. Copy - Allows you to copy a whole record to another, existing, record.
Just enter the number of the record you want the displayed record to be
copied to.
4. Revise - Allows you to make modifications to the record currently
displayed. You will be prompted for the field number that you wish to
5. Delete - Removes the currently displayed record from your file. Press
X to delete or ESC to escape. If the records were previously sorted then a
deletion may require a resort. A message will be displayed to make you
aware of this.
6. Exit - Takes you back to the Manage Records Menu.
NOTE: If you have a block of records to revise or delete, it's more
convenient to use the Revise or Delete Selected Records option, which is
explained below.
Search for Common Items allows you to search through your file to
locate records with a field containing common data. At the prompts enter
the field you wish searched, then the type of search, Full, Specific or
Unequal. Then enter the characters or items you wish to search for.
Full - search the full length of the field and will display all records
with a match.
Specific - search only that portion of the field you have indicated.
For example, if you wish to search the phone field for numbers with the
calling area 456, prefix the search characters with question marks to
indicate the position of the numbers, ????456. The search will begin with
the fifth character, disregarding the first four, the area code and the
dash. This prevents the search from locating telephone numbers with 456 in
any other position.
Unequal - the exact opposite of the specific search, in that it locates
records not equal to the selected characters. Indicate the position of the
characters just as you would in the specific search.
Revise Selected Records and Delete Selected Records allow you to revise
or delete selected blocks of records. The prompt requests you to enter the
range of records. If you want to revise or delete only one record, enter it
only then press RETURN. One thing to remember when revising records, the
change you enter affects all of the records in the range you've selected.
Sort All Records enables you to sort your records by up to three
fields. Enter the field number for the primary field sort and then the
first and second subsort field. The subsorts are used when a finer sort is
required. For instance, when alphabetizing your file by name, the primary
field would be field 1, Last Name, and the first subsort would be field 2,
First Name. If both might be identical then the second subsort could be by
state or ZIP. If a subsort isn't desired, then enter 0 or press RETURN.
Because file data is stored as strings, numbers are sorted according to
their position within the string, and not by their value. Therefore,
numbers such as birthdays, (032753), addresses, (050 Main St.), etc. should
be consistent in length and, if necessary, prefixed with zeroes.
Revise File Structure
If, after using MASTERFILE for a time, you decide that your file
structure doesn't meet your present needs, you can make the appropriate
changes quite easily with this option from the Main Menu.
A new menu allows you to Change the field Name or Length, Add or Delete
a Field, or Reorder the Fields. Choose an option and, at the prompts, enter
the field number and the change.
When a field or field name is lengthened, or a field is added, you must
realize that this will reduce the number of available records. To prevent
the possible loss of some records when the file is almost full, be sure to
have a current copy of your file saved to disk before you attempt this. You
only have to worry about this when you have an almost-full file.
Also, when adding a field, (unless a field has been deleted in the
current file), the file must be saved to complete the addition of the new
field and then reloaded before you can access the new field.
Save File To Disk
Data files have the unique prefix "mf:" automatically added when the
file is saved to indicate that this is a MASTERFILE data file. A list of
the MASTERFILE files on the disk will be displayed. Do not enter the "mf:"
prefix. It will be entered for you.
If there is already a file of the same name as the one you want to
save, you'll be asked if you would like to rename the existing file. If you
enter N for No, the file will be scratched. If you enter Y for Yes, the
file, if it exists, will be renamed with the suffix ":2" to indicate that